Questo tutorial ti aiuterà ad aggiungere emoji al pulsante di reputazione e ai pulsanti Mi piace, oltre a contare i voti senza dover cambiare pagina!
Note iniziali- Questa modifica si applica finché i tuoi modelli non sono stati modificati in modo significativo.
- Devi avere attivato il sistema di reputazione.
- Devi avere attivato il sistema Mi piace e Non mi piace.
Versione ModernBBPersonalizzazione CSSAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Visualizzazione ► Immagini e colori ► Colori ► Foglio di stile CSS e aggiungiamo:
- Codice:
.fa_vote,.fa_voted,.fa_count{font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;display:inline-block!important;width:auto!important;float:none!important;transition:300ms} .fa_vote:hover,.fa_voted{background-image:url(;opacity:.6} .fa_voted{cursor:default} .fa_count{font-weight:700;margin:0 3px;cursor:default} .fa_positive{color:#4A0} .fa_negative{color:#A44} .fa_votebar_inner{background:#4a00;transition:300ms} .fa_votebar,.fa_votebar_inner{background:#c440;height:3px} span.fa_voted.fa_plus{color:#fff;height:37px;padding:7px} span.fa_voted.fa_minus{color:#fff;height:37px;padding:7px;color:#fff;height:37px;padding:7px} .fa_voted,.fa_vote{background:#2b596f;border:solid #2b596f 2px;cursor:default;padding:4px;vertical-align:middle} li.fa_reputation{float:left;margin-left:5px} .rep-button,.rep-button:active,.rep-button:focus{font-size:0;margin:0 0 0 6px;vertical-align:middle;padding:6px 7px} ::marker{font-size:0} .rep-button,.rep-button:active,.rep-button:focus{background-color:#2b596f} i.ion-thumbsdown,i.ion-thumbsup{font-size:0;vertical-align:17px} a.fa_voted.fa_plus,a.fa_voted.fa_minus,a.fa_vote.fa_plus,a.fa_vote.fa_minus{font-size:0;color:#fff} .rep-button img,{float:right;margin-left:5px;vertical-align:middle;width:25px;height:25px} a.fa_voted.fa_minus img,a.fa_voted.fa_plus img,button.rep-button.fa_like img,button.rep-button.fa_dislike img,.rep-button.fa_liked img,.rep-button.fa_disliked img{float:right;margin-left:5px;vertical-align:middle;width:25px;height:25px} .rep-button img,a.fa_vote.fa_plus img,a.fa_vote.fa_minus img{float:right;height:25px;margin-left:5px;vertical-align:middle;width:25px} .rep-nb{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.25);border-radius:2px;font-size:11px;margin-right:7px;vertical-align:1px;padding:11px 15px} .rep-button.fa_liked,.rep-button.fa_disliked{padding:6px 10px 6px 0}
Codice JavascriptAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Moduli ► HTML & Javascript ► Gestione del codice Javascript, assicuriamoci che la gestione del codice Javascript sia attivata, e creiamo un nuovo codice con queste impostazioni:
- Titolo: a tua scelta
- Dove: in tutte le pagine
- Codice:
- Codice:
$(function() { // General Configuration of the plugin var config = { position_left : true, // true for left || false for right negative_vote : true, // true for negative votes || false for positive only vote_bar : true, // display a small bar under the vote buttons // button config icon_plus : '', icon_minus : '', // language config title_plus : '', title_minus : '', title_like_singular : '%{VOTES}', title_like_plural : '%{VOTES}', title_dislike_singular : '%{VOTES}', title_dislike_plural : '%{VOTES}', title_vote_bar : '%{VOTES}' }, // function bound to the onclick handler of the vote buttons submit_vote = function() { var next = this.nextSibling, // the counter next to the vote button that was clicked box = this.parentNode, bar = box.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), vote = box.getElementsByTagName('A'), mode = /eval=plus/.test(this.href) ? 1 : 0, i = 0, j = vote.length, pos, neg, percent; // submit the vote asynchronously $.get(this.href, function() { next.innerHTML = +next.innerHTML + 1; // add to the vote count next.title = next.title.replace(/(\d+)/, function(M, $1) { return +$1 + 1 }); pos = +vote[0].nextSibling.innerHTML; neg = vote[1] ? +vote[1].nextSibling.innerHTML : 0; percent = pos == 0 ? '0%' : pos == neg ? '50%' : Math.round(pos / (pos + neg) * 100) + '%'; if (bar[0]) { bar[0].style.display = ''; bar[0] = percent; box.title = box.title.replace(/\d+\/\d+/, pos + '/' + ( pos + neg )).replace(/\(\d+%\)/, '(' + percent + ')'); } }); // revoke voting capabilities on the post once the vote is cast for (; i < j; i++) { vote[i].href = '#'; vote[i].className = vote[i].className.replace(/fa_voted fa_plus/, 'fa_positive'); vote[i].onclick = function() { return false }; } return false; }, vote = $('.vote'), i = 0, j = vote.length, version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('phpbb') ? 1 : $('.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : document.getElementById('modernbb') ? 4 : 'badapple', // version check // version data so we don't have to redefine these arrays during the loop vdata = { tag : ['SPAN', 'LI', 'SPAN', 'LI', 'LI'][version], name : [version], actions : ['.post-options', '.fa_like_div', '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.fa_like_div'][version] }, post, plus, minus, n_pos, n_neg, title_pos, title_neg, li, ul, bar, button, total, percent, span, pseudo, vote_bar; // startup variables for later use in the loop // prevent execution if the version cannot be determined if (version == 'badapple') { if (window.console) console.warn('This plugin is not optimized for your forum version. Please contact the support for further assistance.'); return; } for (; i < j; i++) { post = $(vote[i]).closest('.post')[0]; bar = $('.vote-bar', vote[i])[0]; // vote bar button = $('a[href*="p_vote"]', vote[i]); // plus and minus buttons pseudo = $(, post).text() || 'MISSING_STRING'; // username of the poster ul = $(vdata.actions, post)[0]; // post actions li = document.createElement(vdata.tag); // vote system container li.className = 'fa_reputation'; if (li.tagName == 'SPAN') = 'inline-block'; // calculate votes if (bar) { total = +bar.title.replace(/.*?\((\d+).*/, '$1'); percent = +bar.title.replace(/.*?(\d+)%.*/, '$1'); n_pos = Math.round(total * (percent / 100)); n_neg = total - n_pos; } else { n_pos = 0; n_neg = 0; } // set up negative and positive titles with the correct grammar, votes, and usernames title_pos = (n_pos == 1 ? config.title_like_singular : config.title_like_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_pos); title_neg = (n_neg == 1 ? config.title_dislike_singular : config.title_dislike_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_neg); // define the vote counts li.innerHTML = '<span class="fa_voted fa_plus" title="' + title_pos + '">' + n_pos + '</span>' + (config.negative_vote ? ' <span class="fa_voted fa_minus" title="' + title_neg + '">' + n_neg + '</span>' : ''); span = li.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); // get the vote count containers for use as insertion points // create positive vote button plus = document.createElement('A'); plus.href = button[0] ? button[0].href : '#'; plus.onclick = button[0] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; plus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[0] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_plus'; plus.innerHTML = config.icon_plus; plus.title = (button[0] ? config.title_plus : title_pos).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[0] && li.insertBefore(plus, span[0]); // create negative vote button if (config.negative_vote) { minus = document.createElement('A'); minus.href = button[1] ? button[1].href : '#'; minus.onclick = button[1] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; minus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[1] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_minus'; minus.innerHTML = config.icon_minus; minus.title = (button[1] ? config.title_minus : title_neg).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[1] && li.insertBefore(minus, span[1]); } // create vote bar if (config.vote_bar) { vote_bar = document.createElement('DIV'); vote_bar.className = 'fa_votebar'; vote_bar.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_votebar_inner" style="width:' + percent + '%;"></div>'; = bar ? '' : 'none'; li.title = config.title_vote_bar.replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/, n_pos + '/' + (n_pos + n_neg)).replace(/%\{PERCENT\}/, '(' + percent + '%)'); li.appendChild(vote_bar); } // finally insert the vote system and remove the default one config.position_left ? ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(li); vote[i].parentNode.removeChild(vote[i]); } }); $(window).load(function() { $("li.fa_reputation, .fa_count, .fa_vote, .fa_voted").each(function() { $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_plus").html('love it<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_minus").html('silly<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_plus").html('love it<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_minus").html('silly<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_like, .rep-button.fa_liked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_dislike, .rep-button.fa_disliked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); });
Versione PhpBB2Modifica templatesAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Visualizzazione ► Templates ► Generale e modifichiamo il template viewtopic_body
- Codice:
<!-- BEGIN switch_likes_active --> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div class="fa_like_div"> <!-- BEGIN switch_like_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_like_list.D_LIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_like_list --> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_list.D_DISLIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_dislike_list --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.C_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <svg width="15px" height="15px" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M320 1344q0-26-19-45t-45-19q-27 0-45.5 19t-18.5 45q0 27 18.5 45.5t45.5 18.5q26 0 45-18.5t19-45.5zm160-512v640q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-288q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-640q0-26 19-45t45-19h288q26 0 45 19t19 45zm1184 0q0 86-55 149 15 44 15 76 3 76-43 137 17 56 0 117-15 57-54 94 9 112-49 181-64 76-197 78h-129q-66 0-144-15.5t-121.5-29-120.5-39.5q-123-43-158-44-26-1-45-19.5t-19-44.5v-641q0-25 18-43.5t43-20.5q24-2 76-59t101-121q68-87 101-120 18-18 31-48t17.5-48.5 13.5-60.5q7-39 12.5-61t19.5-52 34-50q19-19 45-19 46 0 82.5 10.5t60 26 40 40.5 24 45 12 50 5 45 .5 39q0 38-9.5 76t-19 60-27.5 56q-3 6-10 18t-11 22-8 24h277q78 0 135 57t57 135z" fill="#666"/></svg> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.L_LIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.COUNT_VOTE_LIKE} </button> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_button --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.C_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <svg width="15px" height="15px" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M320 576q0 26-19 45t-45 19q-27 0-45.5-19t-18.5-45q0-27 18.5-45.5t45.5-18.5q26 0 45 18.5t19 45.5zm160 512v-640q0-26-19-45t-45-19h-288q-26 0-45 19t-19 45v640q0 26 19 45t45 19h288q26 0 45-19t19-45zm1129-149q55 61 55 149-1 78-57.5 135t-134.5 57h-277q4 14 8 24t11 22 10 18q18 37 27 57t19 58.5 10 76.5q0 24-.5 39t-5 45-12 50-24 45-40 40.5-60 26-82.5 10.5q-26 0-45-19-20-20-34-50t-19.5-52-12.5-61q-9-42-13.5-60.5t-17.5-48.5-31-48q-33-33-101-120-49-64-101-121t-76-59q-25-2-43-20.5t-18-43.5v-641q0-26 19-44.5t45-19.5q35-1 158-44 77-26 120.5-39.5t121.5-29 144-15.5h129q133 2 197 78 58 69 49 181 39 37 54 94 17 61 0 117 46 61 43 137 0 32-15 76z" fill="#666"/></svg> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.L_DISLIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.COUNT_VOTE_DISLIKE} </button> <!-- END switch_dislike_button --> </div></td></tr> <!-- END switch_likes_active -->
e sotituiamo con:
- Codice:
<!-- BEGIN switch_likes_active --> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div class="fa_like_div"> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.C_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <i class="ion-thumbsup"></i> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.L_LIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.COUNT_VOTE_LIKE} </button> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_button --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.C_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <i class="ion-thumbsdown"></i> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.L_DISLIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.COUNT_VOTE_DISLIKE} </button> <!-- END switch_dislike_button --> <!-- BEGIN switch_like_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_like_list.D_LIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_like_list --> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_list.D_DISLIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_dislike_list --> </div></td></tr> <!-- END switch_likes_active -->
Personalizzazione CSSAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Visualizzazione ► Immagini e colori ► Colori ► Foglio di stile CSS e aggiungiamo: Aggiungiamo il seguente codice:
- Codice:
.fa_vote,.fa_voted,.fa_count{font-size:12px;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif;display:inline-block!important;width:auto!important;float:none!important;transition:300ms} .fa_vote:hover,.fa_voted{background-image:url(;opacity:.6} .fa_voted{cursor:default} .fa_count{font-weight:700;margin:0 3px;cursor:default} .fa_positive{color:#4A0} .fa_negative{color:#A44} .fa_votebar_inner{background:#4a00;transition:300ms} .fa_votebar,.fa_votebar_inner{background:#c440;height:3px} span.fa_voted.fa_plus{color:#fff;height:19px;padding:7px} span.fa_voted.fa_minus{color:#fff;height:37px;padding:7px;color:#fff;height:19px;padding:7px} .fa_voted,.fa_vote{background:#2b596f;border:solid #2b596f 2px;cursor:default;padding:4px;vertical-align:middle} li.fa_reputation{float:left;margin-left:5px} button.rep-button img, button.rep-button.fa_disliked img, button.rep-button.fa_liked img, button.rep-button.fa_dislike img, button.rep-button.fa_like img, a.fa_vote.fa_plus img, a.fa_vote.fa_minus img, a.fa_voted.fa_plus img, a.fa_voted.fa_minus img{ width: 25px; height: 25px; } .rep-button, .rep-button:active { background: #2b596f; border: 1px solid #005c8b; box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 #2b596f inset; color: #ffffff; margin: 3px 3px 6px 0; padding: 7px 4px; }
Installazione Javascript- Titolo: a tua scelta
- Dove: in tutte le pagine
- Codice:
- Codice:
$(function() { // General Configuration of the plugin var config = { position_left : true, // true for left || false for right negative_vote : true, // true for negative votes || false for positive only vote_bar : true, // display a small bar under the vote buttons // button config icon_plus : '', icon_minus : '', // language config title_plus : '', title_minus : '', title_like_singular : '', title_like_plural : '', title_dislike_singular : '', title_dislike_plural : '', title_vote_bar : '' }, // function bound to the onclick handler of the vote buttons submit_vote = function() { var next = this.nextSibling, // the counter next to the vote button that was clicked box = this.parentNode, bar = box.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), vote = box.getElementsByTagName('A'), mode = /eval=plus/.test(this.href) ? 1 : 0, i = 0, j = vote.length, pos, neg, percent; // submit the vote asynchronously $.get(this.href, function() { next.innerHTML = +next.innerHTML + 1; // add to the vote count next.title = next.title.replace(/(\d+)/, function(M, $1) { return +$1 + 1 }); pos = +vote[0].nextSibling.innerHTML; neg = vote[1] ? +vote[1].nextSibling.innerHTML : 0; percent = pos == 0 ? '0%' : pos == neg ? '50%' : Math.round(pos / (pos + neg) * 100) + '%'; if (bar[0]) { bar[0].style.display = ''; bar[0] = percent; box.title = box.title.replace(/\d+\/\d+/, pos + '/' + ( pos + neg )).replace(/\(\d+%\)/, '(' + percent + ')'); } }); // revoke voting capabilities on the post once the vote is cast for (; i < j; i++) { vote[i].href = '#'; vote[i].className = vote[i].className.replace(/fa_voted fa_plus/, 'fa_positive'); vote[i].onclick = function() { return false }; } return false; }, vote = $('.vote'), i = 0, j = vote.length, version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('phpbb') ? 1 : $('.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : document.getElementById('modernbb') ? 4 : 'badapple', // version check // version data so we don't have to redefine these arrays during the loop vdata = { tag : ['SPAN', 'LI', 'SPAN', 'LI', 'LI'][version], name : [version], actions : ['.fa_like_div'][version] }, post, plus, minus, n_pos, n_neg, title_pos, title_neg, li, ul, bar, button, total, percent, span, pseudo, vote_bar; // startup variables for later use in the loop // prevent execution if the version cannot be determined if (version == 'badapple') { if (window.console) console.warn('This plugin is not optimized for your forum version. Please contact the support for further assistance.'); return; } for (; i < j; i++) { post = $(vote[i]).closest('.post')[0]; bar = $('.vote-bar', vote[i])[0]; // vote bar button = $('a[href*="p_vote"]', vote[i]); // plus and minus buttons pseudo = $(, post).text() || 'MISSING_STRING'; // username of the poster ul = $(vdata.actions, post)[0]; // post actions li = document.createElement(vdata.tag); // vote system container li.className = 'fa_reputation'; if (li.tagName == 'SPAN') = 'inline-block'; // calculate votes if (bar) { total = +bar.title.replace(/.*?\((\d+).*/, '$1'); percent = +bar.title.replace(/.*?(\d+)%.*/, '$1'); n_pos = Math.round(total * (percent / 100)); n_neg = total - n_pos; } else { n_pos = 0; n_neg = 0; } // set up negative and positive titles with the correct grammar, votes, and usernames title_pos = (n_pos == 1 ? config.title_like_singular : config.title_like_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_pos); title_neg = (n_neg == 1 ? config.title_dislike_singular : config.title_dislike_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_neg); // define the vote counts li.innerHTML = '<span class="fa_voted fa_plus" title="' + title_pos + '">' + n_pos + '</span>' + (config.negative_vote ? ' <span class="fa_voted fa_minus" title="' + title_neg + '">' + n_neg + '</span>' : ''); span = li.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); // get the vote count containers for use as insertion points // create positive vote button plus = document.createElement('A'); plus.href = button[0] ? button[0].href : '#'; plus.onclick = button[0] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; plus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[0] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_plus'; plus.innerHTML = config.icon_plus; plus.title = (button[0] ? config.title_plus : title_pos).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[0] && li.insertBefore(plus, span[0]); // create negative vote button if (config.negative_vote) { minus = document.createElement('A'); minus.href = button[1] ? button[1].href : '#'; minus.onclick = button[1] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; minus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[1] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_minus'; minus.innerHTML = config.icon_minus; minus.title = (button[1] ? config.title_minus : title_neg).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[1] && li.insertBefore(minus, span[1]); } // create vote bar if (config.vote_bar) { vote_bar = document.createElement('DIV'); vote_bar.className = 'fa_votebar'; vote_bar.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_votebar_inner" style="width:' + percent + '%;"></div>'; = bar ? '' : 'none'; li.title = config.title_vote_bar.replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/, n_pos + '/' + (n_pos + n_neg)).replace(/%\{PERCENT\}/, '(' + percent + '%)'); li.appendChild(vote_bar); } // finally insert the vote system and remove the default one config.position_left ? ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(li); vote[i].parentNode.removeChild(vote[i]); } }); $(window).load(function() { $("span.fa_reputation, .fa_vote, .fa_voted").each(function() { $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_plus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_minus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_plus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_minus").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_like, .rep-button.fa_liked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_dislike, .rep-button.fa_disliked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); });
Versione PhpBB3Personalizzazione CSSAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Visualizzazione ► Immagini e colori ► Colori ► Foglio di stile CSS e aggiungiamo:
- Codice:
.fa_vote, .fa_voted, .fa_count { font-size:12px; font-family:Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif; display:inline-block !important; width:auto !important; float:none !important; transition:300ms; } .fa_vote:hover, .fa_voted { background-image: url(; opacity: .6; } .fa_voted { cursor:default } .fa_count { font-weight:bold; margin:0 3px; cursor:default; } .fa_positive { color:#4A0 } .fa_negative { color:#A44 } .fa_votebar_inner { background: #4a00; transition: 300ms; } .fa_votebar, .fa_votebar_inner { background: #c440; height: 3px; } span.fa_voted.fa_plus { color: #fff; height: 19px; padding: 7px; } span.fa_voted.fa_minus { color: #fff; height: 19px; padding: 7px; } span.fa_voted.fa_minus { color: #fff; height: 19px; padding: 7px; } .fa_voted, .fa_vote { background: #2b596f; border: solid #2b596f 2px; cursor: default; padding: 4px; vertical-align: middle; } li.fa_reputation { margin-left: 5px; float: left; } .fa_vote img, .fa_voted img, a.fa_voted.fa_minus img, a.fa_voted.fa_plus img, button.rep-button.fa_like img, button.rep-button.fa_dislike img, .rep-button.fa_liked img, .rep-button.fa_disliked img { float: left; margin-left: 5px; vertical-align: middle; width: 25px; height: 25px; } button.rep-button img { width: 25px; height: 25px; } button.rep-button.fa_liked, button.rep-button.fa_like, button.rep-button.fa_dislike , button.rep-button.fa_disliked, .rep-button, .rep-button:active, .rep-button:focus{ margin-left: 11px; padding: 7px; font-size: 1px; } .rep-nb { border-left: 1px solid #C7C3BF; font-weight: 700; line-height: 9px; margin-left: 0px; padding-left: 6px; } .rep-button, .rep-button:active, .rep-button:focus { background: #2b596f; border: 1px solid #2b596f; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #2b596f inset; color: #ffffff; margin: 0px 0px 2px 7px; float: none; }
Codice JavascriptAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Moduli ► HTML & Javascript ► Gestione del codice Javascript, assicuriamoci che la gestione del codice Javascript sia attivata, e creiamo un nuovo codice con queste impostazioni:
- Titolo: a tua scelta
- Dove: in tutte le pagine
- Codice:
- Codice:
$(function() { // General Configuration of the plugin var config = { position_left : true, // true for left || false for right negative_vote : true, // true for negative votes || false for positive only vote_bar : true, // display a small bar under the vote buttons // button config icon_plus : '', icon_minus : '', // language config title_plus : '', title_minus : '', title_like_singular : '', title_like_plural : '', title_dislike_singular : '', title_dislike_plural : '', title_vote_bar : '' }, // function bound to the onclick handler of the vote buttons submit_vote = function() { var next = this.nextSibling, // the counter next to the vote button that was clicked box = this.parentNode, bar = box.getElementsByTagName('DIV'), vote = box.getElementsByTagName('A'), mode = /eval=plus/.test(this.href) ? 1 : 0, i = 0, j = vote.length, pos, neg, percent; // submit the vote asynchronously $.get(this.href, function() { next.innerHTML = +next.innerHTML + 1; // add to the vote count next.title = next.title.replace(/(\d+)/, function(M, $1) { return +$1 + 1 }); pos = +vote[0].nextSibling.innerHTML; neg = vote[1] ? +vote[1].nextSibling.innerHTML : 0; percent = pos == 0 ? '0%' : pos == neg ? '50%' : Math.round(pos / (pos + neg) * 100) + '%'; if (bar[0]) { bar[0].style.display = ''; bar[0] = percent; box.title = box.title.replace(/\d+\/\d+/, pos + '/' + ( pos + neg )).replace(/\(\d+%\)/, '(' + percent + ')'); } }); // revoke voting capabilities on the post once the vote is cast for (; i < j; i++) { vote[i].href = '#'; vote[i].className = vote[i].className.replace(/fa_voted fa_plus/, 'fa_positive'); vote[i].onclick = function() { return false }; } return false; }, vote = $('.vote'), i = 0, j = vote.length, version = $('.bodylinewidth')[0] ? 0 : document.getElementById('phpbb') ? 1 : $('.pun')[0] ? 2 : document.getElementById('ipbwrapper') ? 3 : document.getElementById('modernbb') ? 4 : 'badapple', // version check // version data so we don't have to redefine these arrays during the loop vdata = { tag : ['SPAN', 'LI', 'SPAN', 'LI', 'LI'][version], name : [version], actions : ['.post-options', '.fa_like_div', '.post-options', '.posting-icons', '.fa_like_div'][version] }, post, plus, minus, n_pos, n_neg, title_pos, title_neg, li, ul, bar, button, total, percent, span, pseudo, vote_bar; // startup variables for later use in the loop // prevent execution if the version cannot be determined if (version == 'badapple') { if (window.console) console.warn('This plugin is not optimized for your forum version. Please contact the support for further assistance.'); return; } for (; i < j; i++) { post = $(vote[i]).closest('.post')[0]; bar = $('.vote-bar', vote[i])[0]; // vote bar button = $('a[href*="p_vote"]', vote[i]); // plus and minus buttons pseudo = $(, post).text() || 'MISSING_STRING'; // username of the poster ul = $(vdata.actions, post)[0]; // post actions li = document.createElement(vdata.tag); // vote system container li.className = 'fa_reputation'; if (li.tagName == 'SPAN') = 'inline-block'; // calculate votes if (bar) { total = +bar.title.replace(/.*?\((\d+).*/, '$1'); percent = +bar.title.replace(/.*?(\d+)%.*/, '$1'); n_pos = Math.round(total * (percent / 100)); n_neg = total - n_pos; } else { n_pos = 0; n_neg = 0; } // set up negative and positive titles with the correct grammar, votes, and usernames title_pos = (n_pos == 1 ? config.title_like_singular : config.title_like_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_pos); title_neg = (n_neg == 1 ? config.title_dislike_singular : config.title_dislike_plural).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/g, n_neg); // define the vote counts li.innerHTML = '<span class="fa_voted fa_plus" title="' + title_pos + '">' + n_pos + '</span>' + (config.negative_vote ? ' <span class="fa_voted fa_minus" title="' + title_neg + '">' + n_neg + '</span>' : ''); span = li.getElementsByTagName('SPAN'); // get the vote count containers for use as insertion points // create positive vote button plus = document.createElement('A'); plus.href = button[0] ? button[0].href : '#'; plus.onclick = button[0] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; plus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[0] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_plus'; plus.innerHTML = config.icon_plus; plus.title = (button[0] ? config.title_plus : title_pos).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[0] && li.insertBefore(plus, span[0]); // create negative vote button if (config.negative_vote) { minus = document.createElement('A'); minus.href = button[1] ? button[1].href : '#'; minus.onclick = button[1] ? submit_vote : function() { return false }; minus.className = 'fa_vote' + (button[1] ? '' : 'd') + ' fa_minus'; minus.innerHTML = config.icon_minus; minus.title = (button[1] ? config.title_minus : title_neg).replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/g, pseudo); span[1] && li.insertBefore(minus, span[1]); } // create vote bar if (config.vote_bar) { vote_bar = document.createElement('DIV'); vote_bar.className = 'fa_votebar'; vote_bar.innerHTML = '<div class="fa_votebar_inner" style="width:' + percent + '%;"></div>'; = bar ? '' : 'none'; li.title = config.title_vote_bar.replace(/%\{USERNAME\}/, pseudo).replace(/%\{VOTES\}/, n_pos + '/' + (n_pos + n_neg)).replace(/%\{PERCENT\}/, '(' + percent + '%)'); li.appendChild(vote_bar); } // finally insert the vote system and remove the default one config.position_left ? ul.insertBefore(li, ul.firstChild) : ul.appendChild(li); vote[i].parentNode.removeChild(vote[i]); } }); $(window).load(function() { $("li.fa_reputation, .fa_count, .fa_vote, .fa_voted").each(function() { $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_plus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_voted.fa_minus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_plus").html('<img src="" />'); $(this).find("a.fa_vote.fa_minus").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_like, .rep-button.fa_liked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $("button.rep-button.fa_dislike, .rep-button.fa_disliked").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsup").html('<img src="" />'); }); }); $(window).load(function() { $(".rep-button").each(function() { $(this).find("i.ion-thumbsdown").html('<img src="" />'); }); });
Modifica templatesAndiamo verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Visualizzazione ► Templates ► Generale e modifichiamo il template viewtopic_body
- Codice:
<!-- BEGIN switch_likes_active --> <div class="fa_like_div"> <!-- BEGIN switch_like_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_like_list.D_LIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_like_list --> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_list.D_DISLIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_dislike_list --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.C_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <svg width="13px" height="13px" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M320 1344q0-26-19-45t-45-19q-27 0-45.5 19t-18.5 45q0 27 18.5 45.5t45.5 18.5q26 0 45-18.5t19-45.5zm160-512v640q0 26-19 45t-45 19h-288q-26 0-45-19t-19-45v-640q0-26 19-45t45-19h288q26 0 45 19t19 45zm1184 0q0 86-55 149 15 44 15 76 3 76-43 137 17 56 0 117-15 57-54 94 9 112-49 181-64 76-197 78h-129q-66 0-144-15.5t-121.5-29-120.5-39.5q-123-43-158-44-26-1-45-19.5t-19-44.5v-641q0-25 18-43.5t43-20.5q24-2 76-59t101-121q68-87 101-120 18-18 31-48t17.5-48.5 13.5-60.5q7-39 12.5-61t19.5-52 34-50q19-19 45-19 46 0 82.5 10.5t60 26 40 40.5 24 45 12 50 5 45 .5 39q0 38-9.5 76t-19 60-27.5 56q-3 6-10 18t-11 22-8 24h277q78 0 135 57t57 135z" fill="#666"/></svg> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.L_LIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.COUNT_VOTE_LIKE} </button> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_button --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.C_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <svg width="13px" height="13px" viewBox="0 0 1792 1792" xmlns=""><path d="M320 576q0 26-19 45t-45 19q-27 0-45.5-19t-18.5-45q0-27 18.5-45.5t45.5-18.5q26 0 45 18.5t19 45.5zm160 512v-640q0-26-19-45t-45-19h-288q-26 0-45 19t-19 45v640q0 26 19 45t45 19h288q26 0 45-19t19-45zm1129-149q55 61 55 149-1 78-57.5 135t-134.5 57h-277q4 14 8 24t11 22 10 18q18 37 27 57t19 58.5 10 76.5q0 24-.5 39t-5 45-12 50-24 45-40 40.5-60 26-82.5 10.5q-26 0-45-19-20-20-34-50t-19.5-52-12.5-61q-9-42-13.5-60.5t-17.5-48.5-31-48q-33-33-101-120-49-64-101-121t-76-59q-25-2-43-20.5t-18-43.5v-641q0-26 19-44.5t45-19.5q35-1 158-44 77-26 120.5-39.5t121.5-29 144-15.5h129q133 2 197 78 58 69 49 181 39 37 54 94 17 61 0 117 46 61 43 137 0 32-15 76z" fill="#666"/></svg> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.L_DISLIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.COUNT_VOTE_DISLIKE} </button> <!-- END switch_dislike_button --> </div> <!-- END switch_likes_active -->
Sostituisci con:
- Codice:
<!-- BEGIN switch_likes_active --> <tr><td colspan="2"> <div class="fa_like_div"> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.C_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_LIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <i class="ion-thumbsup"></i> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.L_LIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.COUNT_VOTE_LIKE} </button> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_button --> <button class="rep-button {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.C_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_DISLIKE}" data-href-rm="{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.U_VOTE_RM_LIKE}"> <i class="ion-thumbsdown"></i> <span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.L_DISLIKE}</span>{postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_button.COUNT_VOTE_DISLIKE} </button> <!-- END switch_dislike_button --> <!-- BEGIN switch_like_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_like_list.D_LIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_like_list --> <!-- BEGIN switch_dislike_list --> {postrow.displayed.switch_likes_active.switch_dislike_list.D_DISLIKE_LIST} <!-- END switch_dislike_list --> </div></td></tr> <!-- END switch_likes_active -->
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