DimostrazioneCome altri sistemi, è possibile ottenere una notifica in tempo reale di ciò che l'utente sta facendo, o accedervi nel momento esatto della connessione. Con questa risorsa potremo inserire il campo "Chi sta leggendo questo argomento" quando ci troviamo su un topic, così da sapere chi sta leggendo quel topic insieme a te!
| phpBB3
| Invision
| PunBB
Codice JavascriptLe pagine javascript attive nel tuo forum consentono di inserire script e jquery per personalizzare il tuo forum, tuttavia è importante sapere che qualsiasi script trovato su Internet non finisce per apparire nei forum.
Andiamo quindi verso Pannello di amministrazione ► Moduli ► HTML & Javascript ► Gestione del codice Javascript e creiamo un nuovo codice con queste impostazioni:
- Titolo: a tua scelta
- Dove: in tutte le pagine
- Codice:
- Codice:
/** * @CP_AddOn Addons for the Forumotion control panel * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 JScript * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html GPL version 2 or higher * @engine 1.0b * @notes If your forum does not have the "CP_AddOn" module, you can manually change the variables values! <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <mod> <header> <id>WhereIam</id> <title>Where I am?, Topic Active Users (Who is read this topic?)!</title> <version>1.10302014</version> <description>Shows the exact location where the user is currently!</description> <author>JScript</author> <author-notes>First Release (Beta tester only)!</author-notes> <license>GNU General Public License v2</license> <mod-version></mod-version> </header> <configuration> <level>Easy</level> <time>1 minute</time> <target-version>1.0b</target-version> <action type="input"> <text>Users label:</text> <variable>topic_total_users</variable> </action> <action type="input"> <text>Members label:</text> <variable>topic_total_members</variable> </action> <action type="input"> <text>Guest label:</text> <variable>topic_total_visit</variable> </action> <action type="input"> <text>Anonimous label:</text> <variable>topic_total_anoni</variable> </action> <action type="input"> <text>Location label:</text> <variable>find_user_location</variable> </action> <action type="input"> <text>Has portal?:</text> <variable>has_portal</variable> </action> </configuration> </mod> */ // User variables ************************************************************************************** // #### If your forum does not have the "CP_AddOn" module, you can manually change the values. #### topic_total_users = 'utente/i stanno leggendo questo topic'; topic_total_members = 'utente/i'; topic_total_visit = 'ospite/i'; topic_total_anoni = 'utenti anonimi'; find_user_location = 'Caricamento delle informazioni'; has_portal = 1; // #### If your forum does not have a "Portal", change the value to 0! #### // ****************************************************************************************************** // System variables! USERNAME = ''; USER_ID = 0; //USERAVATAR = ''; SUPERMOD = 0; TID = 0; ACTION = 'add_field'; // 'configuration'; // jQuery(function() { if (location.pathname.indexOf('/u') !== -1) { jQuery('dt:contains("WhereIam")').closest('dl').remove(); } else if (location.pathname.indexOf('editprofile' !== -1)) { jQuery('label:contains("WhereIam"), span:contains("WhereIam"), dt:contains("WhereIam")').closest('dl, tr').remove(); } if (_userdata.session_logged_in) { USERNAME = _userdata.username; USER_ID = _userdata.user_id; // USERAVATAR = jQuery(_userdata.avatar).attr('src'); SUPERMOD = _userdata.user_level; // Is Admin/Mod ? TID = jQuery('a[href*="tid="]').attr('href').split('tid=')[1].split('&')[0]; //Get the var {TID} } // console.clear(); console.log("/**************************************************************************"); console.log("* Module: 'Where I am?' and 'Topic Active Users (Who is read this topic?)'!"); console.log("* Description: Shows the exact location where the user is currently."); console.log("* Author: Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2013/07/12, 2014/10/13"); console.log("* Version: Beta tester only!"); console.log("/**************************************************************************"); console.log('USERNAME: ' + USERNAME); console.log("USER_ID: " + USER_ID); console.log("TID: " + TID); var oWereIam = { pathname: location.pathname, total_users: 0, oSubForum: '', oTarget: 0, sIndex: '/forum', oHtml: { phpbb2: '<!-- ACTIVE USERS -->' + '<tr>' + ' <td colspan="2" style="margin:0; padding: 0;">' + ' <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">' + ' <tbody>' + ' <tr>' + ' <td id="user-stats" class="gensmall" width="75%" valign="top" style="padding: 0px 10px 0.6em;">' + ' </td>' + ' </tr>' + ' </tbody>' + ' </table>' + ' </td>' + '</tr>', phpbb3: '#### Has a very bad structure that becomes hard to define the html! ####', punbb: '<!-- ACTIVE USERS -->' + '<div class="main" id="active_users">' + ' <div class="main-content">' + ' <div id="user-stats" style="padding: 0.6em 1em;">' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>', invision: '<!-- ACTIVE USERS -->' + '<div class="borderwrap" id="active_users" style="margin-bottom: 5px;">' + ' <div class="bar clearfix">' + ' <div class="left rtl-inversion-left" id="user-stats">' + ' </div>' + ' </div>' + '</div>', content: '<!-- CONTENT -->' + '<h4><strong><span id="topic_total_users">0</span> ' + topic_total_users + '</strong></h4>' + '<p class="statistics_brief desc">' + ' <span id="topic_total_members">0</span> ' + topic_total_members + ', ' + ' <span id="topic_total_visit">0</span> ' + topic_total_visit + ' ' + ' <span id="topic_total_anoni">0</span> ' + topic_total_anoni + '</p><br>' + '<ul id="topic_list_users" class="ipsList_inline" style="padding-left: 0px ! important;"></ul>' } }; if (_userdata.session_logged_in) { WhereIam() // Where I am? } if (oWereIam.pathname.indexOf('/t') !== -1) { /* Forum versions! */ var phpBB2 = jQuery('#content-container table.forumline:last tbody > tr:eq(1)'); var phpBB3 = jQuery('#main-content > div.h3:last'); var punbb = jQuery('#pun-info'); var invision = jQuery('#main-content .borderwrap:last'); if (phpBB2.length) { jQuery(oWereIam.oHtml.phpbb2).insertBefore(phpBB2); } else if(phpBB3.length) { jQuery(oWereIam.oHtml.punbb).insertBefore(phpBB3); } else if(punbb.length) { jQuery(oWereIam.oHtml.punbb).insertBefore(punbb); } else if(invision.length) { jQuery(oWereIam.oHtml.invision).insertBefore(invision); }; jQuery('#user-stats').html(oWereIam.oHtml.content); if (!has_portal) oWereIam.sIndex = '/'; oWereIam.oSubForum = jQuery('.pun-crumbs.noprint a.nav[href^="/f"], #navstrip a.nav[href^="/f"], .pathname-box:first a.nav[href^="/f"], span.nav a.nav[href^="/f"]').attr('href'); try { jQuery.get(oWereIam.oSubForum, function(data) { oWereIam.oTarget = jQuery('#stats > a, #info_open td[colspan="2"]:not(.catBottom) .gensmall a, #main-content > a[href^="/u"], .activeusers-box .row1 a', data); }).always(function() { if (oWereIam.oTarget.length !== 0) { var guest = Math.floor(Math.random() * (5 - 0)); jQuery('#topic_total_visit').text(guest); searchActiveUsers(oWereIam.oTarget, 0, oWereIam.oTarget.length, 0, guest); } }); } catch (e) { // console.log(e); } } function searchActiveUsers(oTarget, start, len, index, guest) { if (index > 10) { return false } var oThis = jQuery(oTarget[index]), sHref = oThis.attr('href'), $JScript; if ((sHref !== undefined)) { var user_name = '<a href="' + sHref + '">' + oThis.html() + '</a>'; jQuery.get(sHref, function(data) { var Field_Text = jQuery('dt:contains("WhereIam")', data).closest('dl').find('div.field_uneditable').text(); try { $JScript = JSON.parse(Field_Text.replace(/'/g, '"')); } catch (e) { // console.log(e); } console.log(Field_Text); }).always(function() { try { if ($JScript.path.url == oWereIam.pathname) { if (oWereIam.total_users == 0) { $('#topic_list_users').html(''); $('#topic_list_users').append(user_name); } else { $('#topic_list_users').append(', ' + user_name); } oWereIam.total_users++; $('#topic_total_users').text(oWereIam.total_users + guest); $('#topic_total_members').text(oWereIam.total_users); } } catch (e) { // console.log(e); } index++; try { searchActiveUsers(oTarget, start, len, index, guest); } catch (e) { // console.log(e); } }); } } }); function WhereIam() { jQuery.ajaxSetup({ async: false }); jQuery.get('/profile?mode=editprofile', function(data) { var found = 1; var Profile_Field_ID = jQuery('label:contains("WhereIam"), span:contains("WhereIam"), dt:contains("WhereIam")', data).closest('dl, tr').find('textarea').attr('id'); console.log("Profile_Field_ID: " + Profile_Field_ID); if ((Profile_Field_ID == undefined) && (SUPERMOD == 1)) { jQuery.post("/admin/index.forum?part=users_groups&sub=users&mode=avatar_profil2&extended_admin=1&tid=" + TID, { /* <- Parameters! */ /* Post action */ action: ACTION, id: 0, type: 0, action: 'configuration_final', list_type_field: 2, field_name: 'WhereIam', field_desc: 'Where I am? - Made and Optimizations by JScript - 2013/07/12, 2014/10/13', field_oblig: 0, field_display_profil: 1, list_field_type_view: 0, list_auth_field_modo: 1, list_auth_field_himself: 1, list_field_view: -1, list_separator: 0, field_type_2_lng_max: 15000, submit: 1, field_type_11_max_before: 14, field_type_11_max_after: 6 }).done(function() { console.log('Add profile field done!'); jQuery.get('/profile?mode=editprofile', function(data) { Profile_Field_ID = jQuery('label:contains("WhereIam"), span:contains("WhereIam"), dt:contains("WhereIam")', data).closest('dl, tr').find('textarea').attr('id'); }).fail(function() { console.log('Failed to get field Profile_Field_ID!'); found = 0; }); }).fail(function() { console.log('Add profile field Fail!'); found = 0; }); } if (found) { var sTitle = jQuery('.pun-crumbs:first p strong:last').text(); if ((sTitle == 'undefined') || (sTitle == '')) sTitle = location.pathname; var now = new Date; var $JScript = { appInfo: { module: 'Dove mi trovo?', description: 'Mostra l'esatta posizione dell'utente nel forum.', author: 'JScript', version: '1.00', release: '2014/10/13' }, userInfo: { oscpu: navigator.oscpu, appName: navigator.appName, language: navigator.language, userAgent: navigator.userAgent }, path: { title: sTitle, url: location.pathname, param: location.search, state: '0', time: now.getHours() + ":" + now.getMinutes(), date: now.getDate() + "/" + now.getMonth() + "/" + now.getFullYear() } }; jQuery.post("/ajax_profile.forum?jsoncallback=?", { id: Profile_Field_ID.substring(16, Profile_Field_ID.length), user: USER_ID, active: "1", content: '[["' + Profile_Field_ID + '", "' + JSON.stringify($JScript).replace(/"/g, "'") + '"]]', tid: TID }, function(data) { console.log("OK: ajax_profile, userID = " + USER_ID); }, "json").fail(function() { console.log("error: ajax_profile, userID = " + USER_ID); }); } }).done(function() { // Done!!! }).fail(function() { console.log('Failed to get field Profile_Field_ID'); }); jQuery.ajaxSetup({ async: true }); }
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PersonalizzazioneE' possibile modificare la parte testuale semplicemente modificando nel codice questa parte:
- Codice:
// User variables ************************************************************************************** // #### If your forum does not have the "CP_AddOn" module, you can manually change the values. #### topic_total_users = 'utente/i stanno leggendo questo topic'; topic_total_members = 'utente/i'; topic_total_visit = 'ospite/i'; topic_total_anoni = 'utenti anonimi'; find_user_location = 'Caricamento delle informazioni'; has_portal = 1; // #### Se il forum non ha un portale modificalo con 0! #### // ******************************************************************************************************